

Glan Gors Residents Association

Leaseholder & Tenants



Dear Resident

The Residents Association has agreed a  project with MSB to deal with issues on all  trees on the estate.

Snowdonia National parks has now  approved the project and work will start on  the 15/12/2023.

A number of trees will have to be removed,  these mainly affect the drying area at the  front of the estate near numbers 6 to 10.  Down the Back Path, around 104 and by 60  to 65.

Trees in some of the car parks that restrict  parking will be pruned, also trees affecting  paths will have their canopy raised. We will try to give you advance notice as  cars may have to be moved and access to  these areas will be restricted during the  work.

Trees around the estate will be pruned,  some will have extensive work done on  them to stabilize them. At times you may find a traffic light system  on the roads to keep everybody safe. Our tree surgeon will limit disruption to you  as much as possible but please understand  that this work is urgently required and is  extensive.

This project will not increase your Service  Charge as it is being paid for from Estate  Reserve Funds that have been held by the  Glan Gors Residents Association since  2015.

This is the first project being carried out in  Partnership with our Managing Agent MSB  who agree the work is required and benefits the whole estate Leaseholders and Tenants alike. The cost of the main project is  £17,000,

I believe this is good use of the  funds as tree maintenance has never been  carried out before and I hope this is the start  of a productive working relationship  between MSB and the Glan Gors Residents  Association going forward.

Please remember you can email any queries  or comments to our email address  residentsassociation@glangors.info.

Web  address www.glangors.info

Peter Hunter Marks

83 Glan Gors

Glan Gors Residents Association


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