

Glan Gors Residents Association

Leaseholder & Tenants


  • Glan Gors Residents Association
  • Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held Sunday 28th May 2023 12 noon, the Band Hall, Harlech.
  • The Secretary welcomed all present to the meeting. Details of refreshments and comfort arrangements were detailed.
  • Consideration of quorum and recording of proxy votes.
  • There were 15 members present. 6 proxy votes had been received and one postal vote from the member at number 25 Glan Gors. The meeting was declared quorate.
  • Apologies
  • Aplogies had been received from 3 members.
  • 3. Approval of the Minutes of the AGM held 29th May 2022
  • These had been circulated in advance. The Minutes were approved as a correct record by those present at that meeting. All in favour. None against
  • 4. Matters arising from the Minutes.
  • No matters were raised from the floor.
  • The Chairman brought members up to date on the written response that had been sent to MSB on 11th July 2022, following the last meeting. He read out the content of this letter to the meeting.
  • 5. Chairman’s Report
  • The Chairman reported that no response at all had been received from anyone at MSB, and it was disappointing to conclude that MSB did not want to engage with our proposals.
  • The Treasurer, John Comyn had resigned having ceased to be a Leaseholder, and therefore we currently had no Treasurer.
  • The Chairman gave a vote of thanks to John for all the hard work and time he had given in five years he had been Treasurer, and this would be passed on to him following the meeting.
  • 6. Approval of Accounts and Balances as at 31.3.2023
  • These were detailed in the Chairman’s report circulated in advance to all members. Approval was proposed by John Mel LLoyd. All in favour. None against.
  • 7. Annual membership fee for 2023/24
  • It was proposed that the annual membership fee for the forthcoming year be set at £Zero, due to the healthy finances of the Association. This was agreed by the meeting. All in favour, none against.
  • 8. Election of officers and committee
  • The Chairman explained that this year the Chairman and Secretary were stepping down. The Treasurers position was also vacant. Nigel Morris had agreed to continue as members rep.
  • One nomination had been received for the post of Chairman. This was from Peter Hunter Marks (leaseholder 83 Glan Gors), proposed by Patrick Hughes (1, GG) and seconded by Robert Gordon (6, GG). No other nominations had been received for any other post.
  • Peter Hunter Marks (PHM) was asked to address the meeting.
  • Peter explained that he was a leaseholder and full time resident of Glan Gors. He had been involved on the Committee of GGRA in the past and had had dealings with previous managing agents Keith Varley and MSB.
  • He said that he had a good relationship with MSB. He agreed with the position of the committee on MSB and the letter that was sent last July.
  • MSB were aware that PHM is standing for position of Chairman. Dave(Oakley) told MSB that PHM was standing. He wants to meet with MSB to agree projects and conditions for handover of money, but retaining 25% of the funds in reserve.
  • PHM has ideas for projects.
  • He has various issues with MSB but relationship is a good one. Situation may change with MSB once PHM is elected to the GGRA committee. It will be a test. Chair comments: Due to technical issues PHM hadn’t been able to submit his nomination until after the seven day deadline, PN explained to the meeting that in his view this was not good cause for refusing to acknowledge the nomination and so the nomination was allowed to stand.
  • PHMs nomination was put to the meeting for approval on a show of hands and was accepted. 14 in favour, none against, 3 abstentions.PHM duly elected.
  • The Honorary Secretary position and Treasurer position remained unfilled. Arrangements for finances - discussion held as to how to make the cheque book and money/ finance of GGRA work pro tem as two signatures were needed for GGRA cheques to be valid.
  • Nigel Morris (NM-members’ representative) agreed to become a second signatory on cheques with PHM.
  • This arrangement to buy time while membership is built up and a new secretary found.
  • Treasurer post is still vacant as is second membership representative.
  • Going forward, it would be ideal if MSB would share a full list of leaseholder details with us. PHM and NM would arrange an online meeting with MSB.
  • 9. Any other business
  • Jim Scott (No.37) - trees and gable end proximity. He still has concerns.
  • Insurance discussed as it relates to trees.
  • Insurance as it relates to internal damage to properties also.
  • Need clarity from MSB on restrictions.
  • PHM to have discussion with MSB’s insurance broker soon to get clarifications. Also issues relating to property ‘eco upgrades’ (solar panels, air source heat pumps etc) as they relate to insurance.
  • Dr. Melanie Jane Martin- concern about the condition of the ‘garage’. Desperately in need of upgrade and being made good.
  • PHM -
  • Reports of recent insurance company review and inspection of fire access and risks on the estate. They looked at structures, electric supply risks and also ‘eco’ changes for solar panels etc.
  • It was requested that the Minutes of the meeting be sent out quickly. PHM would arrange to send them out by email. The Meeting closed


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